In Fiji,[14] the United Kingdom,[15] Norway,[16] Malta[17] and Cyprus[18] it is illegal to own any of these dogs without specific exemption from a court. The head is big and heavy with a deep muzzle. The Fila Brasileiro temperament is what characterizes the dog. Fila Brasileiros are prone to large breed ailments, including hip dysplasia,elbow dysplasia, and gastric torsion (better known as bloat) a life threatening condition that can develop in some dogs that causes the stomach to rapidly fill with gas and/or fluid and then flip upon itself. Iconic everywhere. LOP Djavan do sertao. Isäntäväkeään kohtaan ne ovat tottelevaisia, lauhkeita ja erityisen kärsivällisiä lasten suhteen. Hay dos teorías principales sobre su origen: la primera y más antigua, basada en la morfología de la raza, … In many individuals, the dewlaps proceed to the chest and abdomen. Rather than attacking its prey, the Fila traps it … [2] The dogs would grab the slave or animals by the neck and hold them until the farmer arrived. CH. arrière grand-père. Elevage des loups bretons, chiens de race Shar Pei, chiens, chien, chiots, chiot, localisation géographique: 53350 Brains Sur Les Marches Eduardo Cruz Arvide, propietario y titular del Canil Retour. The characteristic carriage and gait has earned it great success in dog shows. le fila brasileiro une passion depuis 1998. Fila Brasileiro -Züchter-Sie sind noch nicht fündig geworden? Fila Brasileiro Dos Tarangos Mx. Voornaam Achternaam. Fila Brasileiro er en hunderace af molossertypen fra Brasilien. Huaino of red and brindle. 31848 Bad Münder . Elevage du Clan des Brésiliens, chiens de race Fila Brasileiro, chiens, chien, chiots, chiot, localisation géographique: 47140 MASSOULES Du Fond de la Chenaie Pro. Dacar i buritirama e valenca. LOE Libertitad del carnicero. Aramis vom landgut lichtenau. * Sandra Ströbel * UPDATE: 04.01.2019 / 09:25 Uhr (Startseite / über "vom Eifelgrund") 3,314 likes. Δείτε όλες τις πληροφορίες για το ζευγάρωμα του εκτροφείου vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund και Fila vom Haus Kastma στο working-dog. Quyama von den konquistadoren. La crique du flojule Pro. The Fila Brasileiro is a native breed of Brazil, used to guard flocks and property, it is best known as a fierce guard dog. Tekints meg az összes kennel információit vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund és Fila vom Haus Kastma a working-dog-on. Täglich neue Angebote auf About the registries, CBKC (Brazilian Confederation Kennel Club) follows the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) policy and accepts for registration only dogs with FCI pedigrees, orienting the breeders to have hip dysplasia control, besides other health problems. CH. Suivi et conseils assurés. World Dog Show 2018 will be held at: RAI Amsterdam "Vencedor D' Jaguara" Iris Blume und Karl Hupe. CH. CH. The coat of the Fila Brasileiro is smooth and short. Once you bond with your Fila, you … Brindles of a basic color may have the stripes of either less or with very strong intensity. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. CH. The first written standard of the breed was edited in 1946. Please check again soon for new, beautiful Fila Brasileiro. fila brasileiro . The appearance of a Fila (sometimes accidentally named Brazilian Mastiff) is very specific. NAME: Elan de Anjo da Guarda DATE OF BIRTH: 16-04-2013 GENDER: Male WEIGHT: 68 kg HEIGHT: 70 cm COLOR: Brindle FATHER: Juan do Pantanal MOTHER: Bibianne de Anjo da Guarda BLOODLINES: do Pantanal, de Itanhandu, do Alto Quatis, do Ibituruna, de Anjo da Guarda, of Red and Brindle, Deusa, vom Landgut Lichtenau PEDIGREE: registered on 19-06-2013, Raad van Beheer HEALTH TESTED: HD A … Nos reprod sont radiographiés pour minimiser les risques de dyspla de la hanche. The Fila Brasileiro is a courageous, powerful mastiff. grand-mère. Täglich neue Angebote auf Fila Brasileiro – a dog or a large cat? In addition to cattle, jaguars, and other animals, these dogs were taught to chase down runaway slaves. Cookies help us deliver our services. 03/12/2012 . Fila brasileiro on luonteeltaan rohkea ja päättäväinen. LOP Madona do sertao. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply. Some may claim that Fila needs a dominant owner but even more than other molossoid breeds her owner needs to be dominant in love, care and commitment! Imports are also prohibited. Fila Brasileiro Dos Tarangos Mx. Benelux 09-08-2018. The Fila appears self-assured and calm but is never absent in expression. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Fila Brasileiro . Fila Brasileiro dogs can deceive you with their appearance because they might seem very lazy, even clumsy, but in fact Fila Brasileiro dogs are very agile and efficient at the farms as working dogs or they are simply big family pets. Genau genommen in der unmittelbaren Umgebung von Mechernich im Kreis Euskirchen. Voornaam Achternaam. Depuis 2 semaines il ne fait que de vomir, malgrès plusieurs visite chez différent vétérinaires, ils ne trouvent pas ce que mon chien peut avoir. arrière grand-mère. "Fila Brasileiro - Guia de Raça de Cachorro - Dog Times", "CAFIB - Summary about the history of the Brazilian Fila (Portuguese)", "CAFIB - Gallery: 2ª Exposição de Jacareí",, Articles lacking reliable references from April 2019, Articles prone to spam from September 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 07:59. Primeira dama do rincao violento. Voornaam Achternaam. [3] So "Cão de Fila" (Fila dog) or "Cão de filar" suggests that it is a "catch dog", a dog that "bites and does not loosen its grip". Free shipping on orders over $80 El fila brasileño — en portugués: Fila brasileiro— es una raza canina originaria de Brasil. arrière grand-mère. Katso tiedot kennelin vom Haus Kastma pentueesta: Wulf vom Eifelgrund ja Fila vom Haus Kastma working-dog:sta. Hauptstr. STOP CHASING or LUNGING at CARS on a Walk! Mobil: 0178 189 56 20 E-Mail „Fila Brasileiro vom Eifelgrund“ Sandra + Thomas Ströbel Am Schulberg 9 53894 Mechernich OT Strempt Judge. 3.1K likes. Maomé iv do rincao violento. Daria su vida por sus dueños. Fila Brasileiro Connected to: {{::readMoreArticle.title}} aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). Ils m'ont fait changer son alimentation, je lui donne actuellement des "sciences plan chiot". Cookies help us deliver our services. Please complete the form below and you will be the first to know as soon as there are new Fila Brasileiro … It is amenable with its human family, making a very loyal loving companion. LOE Paleto del carnicero. 3,314 likes. Det er en fuldvoksen mastifftype som er kendt for sit meget skarpe temperament, og primært benyttes som vagthund og selskabshund. They are almost never white. UDRO VOM TEAM PANONIANSEE / JOY DU VAL D ANZIN Elevage du Mistral Allemand. The Fila Brasileiro is described as a Brazilian Mastiff or a Brazilian Molosser. It is also known for its extreme wariness of strangers and agility when protecting or defending its master. The Portuguese word for their temperament is "ojeriza", which directly translated into English means "dislike" or "distrust". Cao de Fila, Brasilianische Dogge In unserem Bilderalbum über den Fila Brasileiro befinden sich 93 Fotos von Hunden. [1] They have a rectangular build and though they are massive, their natural agility is apparent. H'amor mi amor De La Casita Del Diablo. Judge. White markings, not exceeding 1/4 of the coat surface area, are permitted on the feet, the chest and the tip of the tail in the FCI standard. Location. Farrapo do rincao violento. A Fila will protect you without a moment’s hesitation. Authentic Fila has a very stable nervous system. Early socialization is one of the elements to the successful ownership of Fila Brasileiro dogs. Vor 30+ Tagen. * Sandra Ströbel * UPDATE: 04.01.2019 / 09:25 Uhr (Startseite / über "vom Eifelgrund") Kennel domin-jr. Kennel domin-jr breeding breeds Fila Brasileiro and Miniature Bullterrier. A similar name is also found in two Portuguese dog breeds: the Cão de Fila de São Miguel and the extinct Cão de Fila da Terceira. This gait also known as a camel pace allows them to have sudden and swift changes in direction while running. CH. It is well boned with a rectangular structure. Welpen aus gesunder und guter Blutlinie. arrière grand-mère. But Fila Brasileiro is a fearless and stable dog. Preglej vse informacije o vom Haus Kastma“˜s paritvi: Wulf vom Eifelgrund in Fila vom Haus Kastma na working-dog. Shiba vom auenland. Père. Le domaine de Fabadel Pro. FILA BRASILEIRO FRANCE Lignée directe du Brésil, spécialisé en chiens bringés, noirs et fauve. arrière grand-père. [8] The CAFIB standard was constructed based on the ancient phenotype of the breed. Copyright © 2017 Harakhan Kennel. Père. Bodyguard FILA, อ.สูงเนิน โคราช. The FCI breed standard requires males to be between 65 and 75 cm (25.5 inches to 29.5 inches) high at the withers and weigh 50 to 82 kilograms (110 to 181 lb). Strangers should not be left unattended with a Fila and, like all other guardian breeds, it may not be the best choice for those who have frequent visitors to their homes. grand-mère. Owing to these qualities, the Fila Brasileiro is used as a guard dog, as a cattle dog for livestock and as a hunting dog for tracking and controlling large game. Indio arere impavido colosso. 225 FILA BRASILEIRO. These dogs require plenty of exercise and hence are not very well suited to city life. Soba von den konquistadoren . femelle. Erfahrungsbericht verfassen. Happy Fila.....Hundeauslauf mit Chilling Lounge ist fertig.....und wurde für gut befunden.....Fila Brasileiro vom Fila exhibits a distrust to people she doesn’t know i.e. Telefon: 05042 986 05 43. In her everyday life she will show a wide range of doings that will cheer you up. grand-père. Père. Voir le site Elevage du Mistral Allemand. Add your dog for free. arrière grand-père . [4][unreliable source?] vom Eifelgrund Fila Brasileiro. The thick skin forms pronounced dewlaps. 38. femelle. [7][1][10] The standard imposed by the CBKC (a club affiliated to the FCI) is the most popular in the world, but it is by far the most distant from the appearance of the old dogs of four decades ago. Dann empfehlen wir die direkte Kontaktaufnahme mit den einzelnen Züchtern! Lack of all socialization with strangers at a young age will result in a dog which is very anti-social. The CAFIB standard does not accept black, mouse-grey, black and tan, blue, or dappled coats, as it considers them as a sign of crossbreeding; on the other hand, it accepts dogs with large white markings on any part of the body. femelle. Mentions légales Politique de Confidentialité Signaler un abus. grand-mère. Their colours vary from solid, brindle, mouse-grey, patched, dappled, or black and tan. Indio arere do impavido colosso. Interessente Informationen rund … Sometimes a black mask is present.[1]. Tekints meg az összes kennel információit vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund és Fila vom Haus Kastma a working-dog-on. Fila Brasileiro . The ears are large, thick, tapered and either droop or fold back exposing the interior, depending on the dog's mood. Brasileiro Fila "vom Eifelgrund" Herzlich Willkommen; Über "vom Eifelgrund" Wir über uns; Aktuelles und Planung; Der Fila damals und heute... Erziehung des Filas; Unsere Filas; Unsere "Fila-Privatiers" Welpen. Brasileiro Fila "vom Eifelgrund" Herzlich Willkommen; Über "vom Eifelgrund" Wir über uns; Aktuelles und Planung; Der Fila damals und heute... Erziehung des Filas; Unsere Filas; Unsere "Fila-Privatiers" Welpen; Galerie unserer Welpen; Fila-Treffen / Aktivitäten; Der Fila und die Hundeschule; Bildergalerie. Unfortunately we don’t have any Fila Brasileiro puppies available for sale right now. Filas are also very gentle with the kids and smaller pets and they can withstand a lot. Despite extensive socialization, the Fila is instinctively protective and will naturally guard and protect its owner, their family members and the family pets; this is not something that needs to be trained, it is an innate trait. Dr. Paulo Santos Cruz began to systematically breed the Fila Brasileiro and also contributed largely in setting the CAFIB standard, and who now, therefore, has the right to be called the "father" of the Fila Brasileiro.[6]. It is known for its outstanding courage and bravery, it is obedient to its owner but is an unsurpassed guardian of its property. [7][6][11], This big difference between the three standards is mainly due to an accusation of a scandal of crossbreeding at the dogs registered by the CBKC in the 70's, 80's and 90's and, consequently, the many changes made in the CBKC standard probable to include dogs with characteristics of foreign breeds, such as the English Mastiff, Great Dane and Neapolitan Mastiff. Welpen aus gesunder und guter Blutlinie. Découvrez nos petites annonces de chiens et chiots à donner sur Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Black, fawns (red, apricot, or dark), and brindled (fawn, black, or brown brindle) colors are permitted, except mouse-grey, black and tan, blue, dappled and solid white. CH. Fila betyder "bide fast" eller "holde i … Dans la Sarthe. * Sandra Ströbel * UPDATE: 04.01.2019 / 09:25 Uhr (Startseite / über "vom Eifelgrund") [12][6], Fila Brasileiros are known to be naturally protective. grand-père. FCI standard No. Open country with fenced yards are very good for the dogs, as it gives them plenty of room to run and exercise. Se on myös uskollinen ja kiintynyt perheeseensä. Though large in size, the Fila does not appear static. arrière grand-père. All rights reserved. They are bred to be aggressive. Die Treue des Fila Brasileiro wurde in Brasilien sogar sprichwörtlich. Tous les eleveurs; Toutes leurs actualités; Les résultats des eleveurs; L'offre de site eleveurs Gratuit ? Another theory is that the Fila is the result of the crossbreeding between Portuguese and Spanish dogs brought to Brazil during the Iberian Union period. zu »Fila Brasileiro vom Eifelgrund«, También es conocido por ser muy buen perro guardian y de los más agresivos del mundo. These cookies do not store any personal information. Fila Brasileiro . Add your dog for free. It is known for its superb tracking ability, aggressiveness and an unforgiving, impetuous temperament. Fila Brasileiro-Hundezüchter mit Zwinger "vom Eifelgrund" aus Mechernich (Nordrhein-Westfalen) hat zeitweise Welpen zu verkaufen. They are playful, curious, charming dogs. 12-08-2018 WDS. grand-mère. Dona do impavido colosso. Fila Brasileiro . One theory is that the breed is a combination between the English Mastiff, Bloodhound and old Bulldog of the 15th century. The socialization period (about the first year with the first six to eight months being the most important) of the dog's life is crucial to the temperament of the individual dog. - Duration: 13:15. Rather it is harmonious, cat-like and, above all, powerful. When slavery was legal in Brazil in the 18th century, the Fila Brasileiro was used to return fugitive slaves unharmed to their masters.[2]. ลูก"ฟิล่า"คุณภาพ ติดต่อ โทร/Line ID 086-0310226...ปณิธิ A complete pedigree and breeding report for the German Shepherd Tabsi vom Eifelgrund. Preis prüfen. a fajtát,hogy ő FILA BRASILEIRO.Kiváncsiságunk nem hagyott alább és el-kezdtünk kutakodni e különlegesen ritka fajta után.Internet,szakkönyvek, lexikonok és a nagy kérdés,Magyarországon kik tenyésztenek filát.Nem ismertünk senkit,de az akkori újságban épp volt egy hírdetés,hogy fila … Add your dog for free. Falling in love dit fly des grands Korrigans. Die Treue des Fila Brasileiro wurde in Brasilien sogar sprichwörtlich. [5][unreliable source?]. Vom Hierschenwieshof est 1 éleveur de Berger Allemand basé à Andenne (5300) dans la province de Namur. À Porto Alegre (90670003) DU GRAND MOLOSSE Pro. pedigree Fila Brasileiro Chiots nés le 18/07/2013 disponible à partir du 30/09/2013 Kennel 'od Krenovky' German Shorthaired Pointer. It is known for its superb tracking ability, aggressiveness and an unforgiving, impetuous temperament. En Côte d'Or. Fila Brasileiro-Hundezüchter mit Zwinger "vom Eifelgrund" aus Mechernich OT Strempt (Nordrhein-Westfalen) hat zeitweise Welpen zu verkaufen. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Watch Queue Queue How To Train your Dog NOT to PULL on the Leash! Dans les Vosges. Judge. Feliz Le domaine de fabadel. The verb "Filar" in Portuguese literally means "hold, arrest, grab". Wir sind eine kleine liebevolle Hobbyzucht der Rasse Fila Brasileiro. Eduardo Cruz Arvide, propietario y titular del Canil * Sandra Ströbel * UPDATE: 04.01.2019 / 09:25 Uhr (Startseite / über "vom Eifelgrund") Furthermore it is an extremely loyal dog, strongly attached to its human family. Fila Brasileiro im Schnee. Retrouvez les coordonnées et des infos sur ce élevage de Berger Allemand ainsi que sur de nombreux autres élevages, dans la province de Namur ou dans d'autres ##PAYS_NOM##. Search. Shiba vom auenland. Get timely updates from your favorite products, BLACK IMPERIAL | Luxury black and grey dog collar, SANGITA | Unique medium dog collar with name. Hundens mistænksomhed overfor fremmede kaldes på portugisisk for ojeriza. Δείτε όλες τις πληροφορίες για το ζευγάρωμα του εκτροφείου vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund και Fila vom Haus Kastma στο working-dog. Filas are known to live up to about 9 to 11 years. Enya of red and brindle. Actualité publiée le 30/09/2019 - 16:26. Judges. But we can still help you to find your dream Fila Brasileiro. Fila Brasileiro-Hundezüchter mit Zwinger "vom Eifelgrund" aus Mechernich OT Strempt (Nordrhein-Westfalen) hat zeitweise Welpen zu verkaufen. The coat is short and dense and the texture is normally smooth and soft. A complete pedigree and breeding report for the German Shepherd Cid vom Eifelgrund. Mira en working-dog todas las informaciones de la camada del criador vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund und Fila vom Haus Kastma an. Notre principe est le respect du bien être de nos chiens. CH. 11-08-2018 Specialty Field 00. CH. But both clubs (CAFIB and AMFIBRA) present themselves with the aim to preserve the pure Fila with the closest appearance of the old dogs. This genetic disposition is called ojeriza in Brazil. This is a courageous, massive, powerful breed. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This video is unavailable. The Fila Brasileiro (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈfilɐ ˌbraziˈlejɾu]), or Brazilian Mastiff, is a large working breed of dog developed in Brazil. [1], The Fila Brasileiro is a molosser breed with large bones and loose skin. Ha sido reconocido a nivel mundial como el perro mas fiel a su amo, familia y conocidos. [1] The Fila Brasileiro (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈfilɐ ˌbraziˈlejɾu]), or Brazilian Mastiff, is a large working breed of dog developed in Brazil. The undisputed guardian is loving and gentle towards her human family: those that she sense her own, Fila simply adores. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. [6] But the current CBKC/FCI standard is the best known internationally. Interessente Informationen rund um die Rasse Fila Brasileiro. Wir haben uns zur Aufgabe gemacht der Welt zu zeigen, was der Fila Brasileiro für eine wundervolle Hunderasse ist.... Wir, Sandra und Thomas leben in der schönen Eifel. pedigree Fila Brasileiro Chiots nés le 19/08/2011 disponible à partir du 20/10/2011 In Brazil the breed has two main standards imposed by two distinct clubs, the CBKC (Brazilian Confederation of Cynophilia) affiliated to FCI, and the CAFIB (Fila Brasileiro's Enhancement Club). arrière grand-mère. Another typical characteristic of the breed is its gait, which is similar to that of a camel, moving two legs of one side at a time. Aus diesem Grund entstand auch für unsere kleine Hobbyzucht der Zwingername "vom Eifelgrund" Fila Brasileiro dogs can deceive you with their appearance because they might seem very lazy, even clumsy, but in fact Fila Brasileiro dogs are very agile and efficient at … Père. [7][6][1] Consequently, the stock of each club has visible morphological differences. Henya of red and brindle. CH. arrière grand-père . The gait gives it a typical rolling lateral movement on the throat and the hindquarters which is accentuated when the dog's tail is raised. In Australia, in the states of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia the Fila is a restricted or proscribed breed. Fila is a molosser breed with large bones and lot of loose skin. * Sandra Ströbel * UPDATE: 04.01.2019 / 09:25 Uhr (Startseite / über "vom Eifelgrund") Fila Brasileiro is a very interesting breed unlike any other. He feels that is why he is there. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Täglich neue Angebote auf The head is typically lower than the backline. However, the most interesting about Fila Brasileiro exterior may be the way of moving its body that resembles to the walk of the wild cats. doesn’t like being touched by the strangers. Täglich neue Angebote auf The dedication and obedience of the Fila Brasileiro has found its way into the Brazilian saying "as faithful as a Fila".[13]. Bonjour, je suis propriétaire d'un chiot fila brasileiro noir mâle de 6 mois. |. The Paulistas were responsible for organizing a planned breeding program and opening a stud book to register dogs. arrière grand-mère Daher haben wir höchsten einmal im Jahr Welpen, die wir dann mit viel Liebe und... . Podívej se na portálu working-dog na všechny informace k vrhu v chovatelské stanici vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund a Fila vom Haus Kastma . Unlike the vast majority of canines, the croup is higher than the withers. Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution Recommended for you Ohne den Standard aus dem Auge zu verlieren, züchten wir auf Gesundheit und Wesen. All we can say there is that your patience will be undoubtedly rewarded as she matures – you won’t be let down. This instinct can be observed among puppies when they are playing. Extremely dedicated to his owner. [10] However, the CAFIB standard is the most popular of the two. Terra Da Pituva Particulier. The neck and back are well muscled and the chest is broad and deep. Die systematische Zucht nach dem Standard-dieser wird immer vom Mutterland der jeweiligen Rasse erstellt-die nicht nur die Gebrauchseigenschaften, sondern auch das äußere Erscheinungsbild im Auge behält, wurde erst 1947 in Brasilien begonnen. Typical colours are fawn, black and brindle. vom Eifelgrund Fila Brasileiro. Ali (Sans Affixe) grand-père. Vezi pe working-dog toate informațiile despre împerecherea din canisa vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund și Fila vom Haus Kastma. When at attention, the gaze of the Fila Brasileiro is firm, alert and unwavering. Aramis von landgut lichtenau. The Fila Brasileiro were bred and raised primarily on large plantations and cattle farms where they originated. femelle. [1] Females are slightly smaller and are expected to be 60 to 70 cm (23.5 inches to 27.5 inches) high at the withers and weigh at least 41 kg (90 lbs). In the U.S., the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) does a statistical registry of all Filas that were X-rayed to diagnose hip dysplasia. Again Fila is a dog that needs consistent rules during her growth and her owner needs to be persistent but calm. The legs are heavily boned. grand-père. arrière grand-père. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Back to dog breeds. Fila Brasileiro-Hundezüchter mit Zwinger "vom Eifelgrund" aus Mechernich (Nordrhein-Westfalen) hat zeitweise Welpen zu verkaufen. If the pup is exposed to a lot of people in a positive manner (known as 'socializing'), the pup (keeping in mind the dog's natural protective instincts) can be encouraged to behave in a calm manner in public, but emphasis should be placed on the fact that socialization is done differently from other breeds. Fila Brasileiro may put your patience to the test during her growth because of her untamed curiosity. Chiot Mâle dispo de suite. The skin is very distinctive of the breed, as it is thick and loose all over the body, mainly in the region around the neck. Fila brasileiro-züchter "vom eifelgrund" Mechernich, Euskirchen. N° d'origine : 1629/0 23/05/2010 . By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Pozrite si na working-dog všetky informácie k vrhu v chovateľskej stanici vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund a Fila vom Haus Kastma . Guevara do rincao violento. Fila Brasileiro; Fila Brasileiro. [1], The other two standards are from CAFIB (Fila Brasileiro's Enhancement Club) and AMFIBRA (World Association of Dog Breeders of Fila Brasileiro), respectively. A complete pedigree and breeding report for the German Shepherd Cid vom Eifelgrund. Karte Am Schulberg 9, 53894 Mechernich. Partners. [7][11] Both are based on the first breed standard elaborated by Paulo Santos Cruz, the man who is considered the "father of the breed". Ohne den Standard aus dem Auge zu verlieren, züchten wir auf Gesundheit und Wesen. There is no need to teach or train your Fila to protect you or your family because it is her natural behavior. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Die systematische Zucht nach dem Standard-dieser wird immer vom Mutterland der jeweiligen Rasse erstellt-die nicht nur die Gebrauchseigenschaften, sondern auch das äußere Erscheinungsbild im Auge behält, wurde erst 1947 in Brasilien begonnen. Some dogs show a fold at the side of the head and also at the withers descending to the shoulders. [6][1][7], Paulo Santos Cruz himself, who even participated in the formation of the CAFIB for these same reasons and even presided over the club, published an article in 1979 explaining how to differentiate a pure Fila from a mixed one. They are automatically classified as a dangerous dog in New Zealand and Trinidad & Tobago,[19] meaning they cannot be imported and males must be neutered. Sur working-dog, consulte toutes les informations concernant l'élevage du chenil vom Haus Kastma : Wulf vom Eifelgrund et Fila vom Haus Kastma We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Dans la Loire. Ok Learn more Ok Learn more But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Breeder of Fila Brasileiro Zuchter vom Fila Brasiliero Eleveur de Fila Brasiliero 57 Merten (Moselle), France - Frankreich; Des Légendes de Zazelle Chiots Cane corso et Fila B, LOF pucés vacc vermif et social au maxi. Fila Brasileiro is known for its superb tracking ability, intelligence and loyalty. Fila Brasileiro is a very interesting breed unlike any other. CH. [9], In Brazil the Fila Brasileiro can be bred within three different standards proposed by three separate clubs. Züchter: Fila Brasileiro Weitere, ausgewählte Webseiten und Unternehmen Weitere Einträge im Branchenbuch. Fila brasileirolla on voimakas taipumus vartioimiseen, ja se saattaa olla epäluuloinen vieraita kohtaan. arrière grand-père. Rather than attacking its prey, the Fila traps it and waits for the hunter to arrive. fila brasileiro . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Vis på working-dog fuldstændige oplysninger om vom Haus Kastma: Wulf vom Eifelgrund og Fila vom Haus Kastma You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Shop the latest selection of official FILA sportswear, tennis gear, sneakers and more. 31/12/2010 . Spam melden.